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Selected Thoughts by Sean on Healing

First, I want to be very clear - I heal no one. Only God Heals. I work with the client to invite the healing process to start or continue, and the healing then occurs through the natural laws and the intervention of Spirit. I also believe that there is more unknown and unobservable than is known and observable about healing and the human being.

I believe the key to healing is to use love for your Being, not war against its problems. By that I mean, promote health and focus on the positive process of getting better rather than waging war on symptoms, and focussing on problems. Be open to alternatives beyond western medicine, but use that as well, and also read and educate yourself about alternatives (or better complements to or supplemental therapies and interventions) so that you have athe tools to make viable choices.

I named my company I Let Go because I believe that letting go is a major key to the healing process. By letting go of fixed beliefs, fixed expectations and fixed ideas about how things happen and about what can be true for you, and trusting completely that there are many ways to achieve health improvement, one can maximize the chances of healing while minimizing the chances of relapse and other adverse effects. Below I list a few guidelines for healing. Their are many more.

  • Surrender to and trust the process; allow it to evolve
  • Be aware – pay attention and take necessary actions based often on visions, dreams, coincidences and other subtle messages
  • Promote the positive vs battle the negative
  • Send loving feelings and thoughts to yourself and to whatever pain and other symptoms you are feeling
  • Accept your situation as it is, in the moment
  • Believe in yourself, in God's infinite healing powers
  • Follow directions
  • Listen to your dreams, feelings, intuition and make changes when called for
  • Pay attention to coincidences
  • Pay attention to everything about your life that might in even the vaguest way be related to your healing process - do not worry, the messages will become clear if you pay attention
  • Allow whatever the process is to unfold in its own time.

Blessings, love, peace and health to you.

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